Girls on Football for Second Year

By Graham Goodkin (1992)

Last year intrepid students like Olivia Peoples (III), Beatrice Keefe (V), and Jill Brewer (V) were out on the third team football field with the guys. This year, we have two new girls on third team football. Ann Groate (IV) and Becky Onion (IV) have continued this female interest in football at Milton. The girls have impressed their coaches, as well as their teammates, with their intensity and dedication.

This year, the girls were partly inspired by the first three. Onion had planned to play soccer, but when she heard girls could play football she leapt at the chance. She felt that “football had always looked interesting, but [she] had never had the opportunity to play.” Originally, Groate and Onion were slightly embarrassed to come out, but they have worked hard to improve. After practice when every one, including the coaches, have headed in, the girls are working, either running on the track or pushing the sleds. Coach Tom Bisbee says that their “attitudes are terrific.” Assistant coach Julian Cowart (I) added that the girls “have learned their positions well and have made a good contribution. Ann is one of the best hitters on the team, while Becky has quickly learned how to play the line well.”

The boys on the team have seen the two girls’ hard work and have accepted them. Groate feels that some of them “didn’t really know how to act at first.” However, both girls agree that “the boys on the team have been nice.” Not only did their teammates have to accept the fact that the two were playing football, but the girls had to convince their parents that they wouldn’t get hurt. Onion recounts that her mother said, “Oh, my God, don’t get hurt,” when told. Groate had a similar experience. Coach Randall Dunn also had concerns, but their play has impressed him, as well.

After having wanted to play for so long, Onion and Groate have found that football is a great sport to play. Groate says that she “loves it” and hopes to play next year on JV. Although Onion would like to continue, she hasn’t come to a decision quite yet. However, if they do, they could be joined by Peoples (III), who though Peoples not playing this year on doctor’s orders, has vowed to return next season. But for now, you can come out and watch Ann Groate and Becky Onion play on Wednesdays and listen for running backs coming back to the huddle saying,”One of the girls just wrecked me.”

Mark Pang