Fun for all in intramurals - Volume 3 - Issue 20

By Steve Butzel

As the traditional sports seasons reach the transitional stage, the athletic department has come up with an expanded co-ed and single-sex intramural program open to all ages. 

In the past, “Fruits and Vegetables” co-ed Volleyball has been the favorite and most participated-in activity, and this year it is popular once again. There are 8-10 teams in the tournament, each team with their own bizarre name. In the past, the names have been only fruits or vegetables, but this year there are new weird names such as “Rigormortis”, “Silver Spikers”, and the “Bonecrushers.” The only rule is that two girls must be on the court at all times. Many teams added faculty members for more spirit during the two day tournament. As Jenny O’Shea (I), a volleyball player herself, commented, “It’s fun to see people get out there who don’t know how to play but still have fun just getting into the enthusiasm of the games.”

This year several other low-key athletic events have been set up, bringing all varieties of people together. There is a bench lifting contest “spear-headed by Ray Gallagher,” (I) according to Bob Lee (I). A house wrestling tournament included not just boarders but also a day team entry, headed by Matt Griffin (I). Smaller events also include a ping-pong tournament, a badminton tournament, and Mr. Fitzpatrick’s favorite, a squash tournament. According to the trainer, “with Ian Lapey having graduated, the field is wide open.” Rumor has it that the winner’s trophy will now be called the Lapey trophy. A house volleyball team tournament will end the week, reflecting all the practice of the Fruits and Vegetables event. 

All of these intramural programs have been created by the Athletic department because as Tom Flaherty said, “we wanted to give people who didn’t have skill or time enough to get involved in a season sport, an opportunity to become involved in athletics at a low-key level, and to realize how enjoyable it can be.” Flaherty’s opinions were further supported by the athletic department’s previous promotion of intramural sports this fall and winter. Wigg soccer was turned into an organized house soccer league and a Day League Basketball team was formed. Each resulted in an All-Star game against other schools.

When the spring season starts up, people will return to the fields and the library and probably won’t remember these past two weeks, but many will have had fun participating in spirited activities.

Mark Pang