Interview With a Varsity Athlete


Alexa Pil ‘21 decided to try out for varsity sports because she was always involved in sports while growing up. When she joined high school, she decided that she wanted the opportunity to play sports at a more competitive level. These days, Alexa plays on the soccer team and the hockey team, and she runs track in the spring. Her favorite part of being involved with varsity sports teams on campus is that she has a lot of fun and has the chance to meet kids she wouldn’t normally meet; being on a team with upperclassmen allows for more opportunities for friendships across the upperclassmen/underclassmen divide. Alexa, for example, says she has been able to make upperclassmen friends that she would not know if not for sports. Off the field, she and her teammates have a lot of fun and are always there to support each other. Alexa notes that these relationships become even stronger on the field. “That’s when you can really recognize the deep-rooted comradery,” she says.

The relationships that form aren’t only between students. At Milton, Alexa’s track coach, Coach Carbone, has had a huge impact on her. Coach Carbone encouraged Alexa to attempt the 300m hurdles—something she would never have tried on her own. At first, Alexa struggled with timing, but thanks to Coach Carbone’s dedication to her and the other hurdlers, Alexa was confident enough to conquer the 300m hurdles at both the ISLs and at states. If it wasn’t for him, Alexa would have never pursued the 300m hurdles: an event she now loves!

Despite how impactful her time on the track team is, Alexa says that the hockey team has taught her the most. She considers hockey to be her main sport and says that after the pressure and hard-work are over, she always feels a reward. The hockey team taught Alexa that putting in effort and focus can have a tremendous effect on future performance—a simple lesson, but one she appreciates learning. On the ice, Alexa is always trying her best to improve.

For a lot of student athletes, the balance of work and athletics is difficult. However, Alexa thinks that she does better in school because of this balance. If she had more time, Alexa says, she would goof off more and have less time for homework. The lack of free time motivates her to be efficient with the time she has and get all of her homework done.

Alexa is an example of a confident and successful student athlete, and her experience shows how impactful sports can be on a person’s high school experience. She loves all the teams she’s a part of, and she has learned a tremendous amount from all of them. Even without those lessons, her athletics would still be a fun part of her extra-curricular life and a great way to meet new people.

Milton Paper