The Dangers of Politicizing Science


Today, the United States is incredibly divided. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the debate about abortion rights to the question of replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court after her death on Friday, current events are polarizing the people of the United States. The tension has reached such a fever pitch that many cannot look beyond political party lines to understand what is best for the entire nation. While debate is expected in democracy, there should be a consensus on certain topics, for example, the response to a global pandemic. Today, I will be discussing why politicizing science is dangerous to the future of the United States. 

Disagreement is a natural byproduct of democracy, especially in the United States’ two party system. There are going to be policies and practices loved by some and hated by others. The problem arises when people turn issues that aren’t political into political fights between the Democratic Party and Republican Party. An example of a politicalized global issue is climate change. Many people in the United States do not believe that climate change is a real issue, blindly following politicians that have labeled it “a hoax,” despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary. Politicizing science and data in this manner obstructs our national ability to solve this problem, a problem that threatens our very existence on this planet. Blinded by their political beliefs and parties, many are unable to see the facts in front of them, such as rising sea levels, global warming, or even the recent natural disasters across the United States. However, these problems will persist if the United States remains paralyzed by internal division and the inability to take the steps necessary to help slow and stop climate change. 

Another scientific issue that has been politicized is the Coronavirus pandemic. Wearing masks and keeping each other safe has become yet another politicalized issue, when there should be no debate about trying to stop the spread of a deadly virus. COVID-19 has been weaponized by politicians to push their own agendas. In reality, the science is clear: COVID-19 is dangerous. Currently, the death toll has surpassed 200,000 lives. In order to keep each other safe, we need to take it seriously and take the proper precautions, such as wearing masks and social distancing. By refusing to take COVID-19 seriously or treating it as a partisan issue, certain politicians are endangering everyone. In comparison with other countries who may now be returning to normal life, the United States’ Coronavirus response clearly was (and continues to be) terrible. Had the pandemic not turned into a political issue, the response could have been better. In a time where it is more important than ever to be united, we find ourselves becoming more and more divided every day. While there is certainly a place for partisan issues and debate, science is not one of these places. 

It is so easy to blindly subscribe to the ideas of your party leaders, whether they be Democrats or Republicans. However, in order to make the most educated decision possible, it is important to look beyond party lines and recognize what is truly for the good of our nation, and how that may differ from the rhetoric of certain politicians. Whether it be climate change or Coronavirus, agreeing on scientific facts, at the very least, will always help us effectively tackle the most prominent issues in our country.

Katherine Wiemeyer