Threesome - Volume 12 Issue 2

By Sarah Schechter

I went to go see threesome knowing that it wouldn’t change my life. Not surprisingly, it didn’t. It was really bad, but you know, sometimes bad is good. In Threesome, the characters are ridiculous, the plot is predictable, and any redeeming qualities it might have had are completely overshadowed by how terrible it is. But it’s still fun. The sex scenes are awesome, but the post-consummation conversations really cut (Kate Duntons sez: “Especially when the chick said ‘it’s just not normal, the three of us living together’”).

Threesome is set at some fictitious college where there is a food fight at every meal. It used every dumb college stereotype. A film with a premise like this shouldn’t have to rely on such obviously recycled material. Threesome had a chance to be original and fun, but settled on uncreative and, for the most part, unamusing predictability. For a major studio release, the film was daring in its attempts to treat homosexuality as no big deal. The directing is passable and, as I mentioned, the sex scenes are well choreographed and good -- clean? -- fun. However, none of this could disguise the fact that most of the script is junk.

I was disappointed with Lara Flynn Boyle’s performance. She was supposed to be a prissy girl who liked hot sex, but she came across as a psycho. One second she can’t stand to room with boys, the next moment, she’s having an orgasm on the library table because some guy said “big words.” I read something about Threesome that described Stephen Baldwin as a “walking erection,” and I couldn’t agree more. But don’t get me wrong, he was a good walking erection. Josh Charles was the only one to give his character any depth, but the narration was a little much. When I saw Threesome, I ended up sitting right next to this ninety-five year old lady, and although I know that doesn’t really mean anything to you, I thought it was pretty funny (she looked like the lady from the Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?” ads). Threesome was unimaginative,and reminded me more of an episode of Three’s Company than a $7 motion picture. It’s dumb, but almost enjoyable (you’ll probably be able to entertain yourself just by guessing what will happen next...and being right every time). Go see Threesome with a couple friends, and have a good laugh, or better yet, wait for it on video.

Mark Pang